RTKit- Runner chat #20
Name: Emily
Where you are based: London
Insta handle:
About you!
What inspired you to start running?
I've been a runner my whole life and used to compete in athletics throughout my teens. I was then injured for several years and only rekindled my love of running three years ago once I was able. My inspiration to pick it up again was remembering the feeling you get from exceeding your expectations, crossing a finish line and doing something for yourself. I set myself a target of training for a half marathon three years ago and I've never looked back.

What is your favourite racing distance?
10k and half marathon
What is your favourite race to date and why?
The London Landmarks 2019 race was pretty special. I was in training for the London Marathon at the time so I was very comfortable with the distance and eager to do the route around London. The weather was perfect, the sites were fantastic and the crowds were great! I got a PB during that race which I haven't broken since.
What is your favourite post-run meal?
I find it difficult to eat a large meal straight after running but several hours after, I love making a big lentil bolognese with added kidney beans. I always finish off with some kind of chocolate based pudding too!
What is your favourite session on your training plan?
I'm a pretty intuitive runner which means I don't have a training plan. If I'm training for a particular race, I'll jot down on a calendar when my long runs have to be but otherwise I take it as it comes - my body on the day knows what's best so I listen to it. However, I do love a good 10k speed session - quick and powerful. It's so satisfying and a great way to quicken up your pace!
Which running-inspired quote is your mantra?
'Running reminds you that even in your weakest moments, you are strong' - I've found that running has made me resilient in every other area of my life and I am so grateful for that.
If you had all the time in the world, what would be the one thing you’d work really hard on for your training?
Proper leg strength training. I am hyper mobile which can cause problems in my hips and knees that can be helped by strong legs. I'd love to have a proper plan in place where I work on the most important muscles regularly but alas, life does not allow it!
What piece of advice would you give to a newbie runner?
Take it slow. Build your distances up really gradually and do not try and run every day.
About RT kit
Which is your favourite bit of kit to wear and why?
I absolutely love the grey full length leggings. They are so comfortable and look absolutely great. The colour means I can wear them with anything (sports and non-sports) which makes them a super handy part of the kit! Absolutely thrilled with them.
What bit of kit would you recommend to other runners (from the RunThroughKit page)?
The bright blue vest is such a stunning colour - it brightens up every running outfit. It's also extremely comfortable and the perfect length.
Which bit of kit do you own that you now take everywhere?
The navy blue rain jacket - what an absolute gem. It looks great, feels great and is another item I have started wearing with non-running gear too!
Which event will you be next wearing our kit at?
Not sure yet! I haven't signed up to a virtual event but as soon as proper events are back on, I will be there. I tend to take part in the events around North London so I imagine it will be there.
You can follow Emily's running journey via Instagram: @running_veg