RTkit - Runner Chat #17

Emily Moyes
3000mSC, 5000m & Cross Country
Great Britain representative European U20 3000mSC & European U23 Cross Country championships
National U23 5000m Champion 2018
British Champs 3000mSC Bronze medalist 2018
British Universities 2000mSC champion 2017 & 18
1500m 4:26
3000mSC 10:16
2000mSC 6:35
5000m 16:30
About you!
How did you get into running?
I started running cross country when I was 10. In my home county, Suffolk, we have quite a big school cross country scene and that’s where I ran my first race when I was 10! I think I came 95th, and was so happy being 3rd girl from my school. I started running at my local club, Stowmarket Striders, where my grandad was a coach. I then discovered my family has a history of running, my dad being multiple county cross country champion as a boy, my grandad running far too many marathons and my mum competing in the hurdles when she was young, so I think I’ve been given the genes for steeplechase! After my first race I fell in love with the sport although I was not very good at all, but I loved seeing improvements in my performance. It took me 7 years (my final year of sixth form) to finally win the county schools cross country that initially got me into running! I decided to join West Suffolk AC when I was 14 and that’s where I was introduced to steeplechase by my previous coach David Cripps. Probably shouldn’t admit it but initially I only did steeple training because it meant I got to do shorter running sessions on hot summer nights and then mess around in the steeplechase water jump with my friends. As a slower runner steeplechase opened lots of new opportunities for me, I wasn’t fast enough to compete at Nationals in flat track races but had the time for steeplechase, and I think those early experiences are what really helped my to progress as an athlete.

What does a typical training week look like for you?
A typical training week is formed of 2-3 running sessions with the other days easy running and a rest day (usually on a Friday)! Although during lockdown this has been all over the place as I’ve been working as a care worker since lockdown begun.
I also try and do hurdle drills once a week in the summer, along with some hurdle practice.
Monday - 50 minutes easy running followed by a small conditioning session.
Tuesday - Grass session, with reps from ranging from 6minutes to 1 minute.
Wednesday - AM: 50-60 min run, followed by hurdle drills
PM: Cross train- bike/swim
Thursday - tempo based session, with reps varying from 12.5 mins- 2.5mins
Friday- rest day!! No running but sometimes a few foot drills to help mobilise
Saturday - Track or tempo + hill session depending on time of year
Sunday - long run! 70-90mins easy pace.
What are your goals for 2021?
My goal for 2021 is just to get back racing. I haven’t raced yet in 2020, and haven’t raced on british soil for a year now, I spent last cross country season within the NCAA system in America which is very different to home and I’ve really missed racing in the UK! Overall it’s been a really difficult year with lots of ups and downs so I just want to get back to racing well and having fun doing so, any personal bests will be a huge bonus! It’s also going to be my first year as a senior so not going to put any pressure on myself.
What advice would you give to new athletes?
I would say take any opportunity you can! When you’re young there are so many opportunities to try different events in athletics I think people really take that for granted and sometimes try and specialise too early. I was doing long jump, high jump, and even did a couple seasons in the 400m hurdles as a junior and it actually ended up helping my running ability. As for anyone older than me or anyone within the larger road running scene, again; take any opportunity to get involved in sport and be active that you can! There are so many other positives to being active than just a benefit to your health, making new friends and having fun makes even the hardest workout worth it, and if you’re having fun it will make you want to do it more!
About RT Kit
Initial thoughts on RunThrough Kit?
I was so excited for the kit to arrive, it was packed beautifully and I’ve already put the zip lock bags the garments came in to good use in my training bag!
How does it feel/ look?
The tights are the softest tights I’ve ever worn! They are so comfy, and I love the high waist design. The reflective jacket is also great, it has a mesh inside layer which feels warm and has thumb holes in the sleeve which I think are a must have! The on the run headband is great and stays on so well, I have a lot of stray hairs when I have my hair up and it keeps them out of my eyes and stays put in my hair without using half a pack of bobby pins!
What type of training would you wear this kit for?
I would definitely use all this kit during a regular training week. The reflective jacket is going to be an essential for me in the winter when I’ve got to do double runs in the dark! The tights are going to be great for gym days one I can get back in there, and for hurdle drills because they’re so flexible!